to provide an avenue and guidance for Whistleblowers to report any Misconduct and set out a procedure for such reporting;
to enable Management to be informed at an early stage about any Misconduct;
to assure Whistleblowers that they will be protected from reprisal or retaliation for reporting any Misconduct in good faith; and
to develop a culture of openness, accountability and integrity.
This Policy governs the reporting of any Misconduct and investigation into such reports as well as the protection offered to the Whistleblowers.
This Policy DOES NOT apply to or change EcoWorld’s policies and procedures in respect of employee’s grievances or complaints relating to his or her job performance, terms and conditions of employment, which will continue to be administered and reviewed by EcoWorld’s Group Talent Management Division.
A person (e.g.: employee, contractor, consultant, vendor, customer or general public) or entity making the protected reports of a Misconduct. A Whistleblower is not an investigator or finder of fact, nor does he or she determine the appropriate action that should be taken against the wrongdoer.
Misconduct includes (but is not limited to) fraud, including financial fraud and accounting fraud, bribery or corrupt practice, theft or embezzlement, misuse of position, abuse of power, violation of laws and regulations, violation of EcoWorld’s Code of Conduct and Business Ethics and other policies, unethical behaviour or practices or any intentional act deliberately designed to cause loss to the EcoWorld Group.
Employees are required to acknowledge the Whistleblowing Policy. This is to ensure that they have read and understood the Whistleblowing Policy and are aware of EcoWorld’s commitment to a work environment free of retaliation for reporting a Misconduct.
Whistleblowers must act in good faith and must not make false accusations in reporting a Misconduct.
Suspected / Alleged wrongdoers
Suspected or alleged wrongdoers have a duty to fully cooperate with the investigators.
Investigators shall handle all matters of investigations seriously, confidentially and promptly. They shall be independent, unbiased both in fact and appearance, and maintain the confidentiality of the Whistleblowers’ identity, unless the disclosure is required by law pursuant to an investigation.
Employees involved in investigations
Employees who are interviewed or asked to provide information have a duty to fully cooperate with the investigators. They should refrain from discussing or disclosing matters concerning the investigations.
EcoWorld conducts its business based on the principles of fairness, honesty, openness, decency, integrity and respect. It strives to foster and maintain an environment where Whistleblowers can act appropriately, without fear of reprisal or retaliation.
EcoWorld provides an avenue for Whistleblowers who have concerns about any suspected Misconduct to come forward and disclose these concerns in good faith without fear of punishment or unfair treatment.
EcoWorld also seeks to address any alleged or attempted acts of interference, reprisal, retaliation, threats, coercion or intimidation against the Whistleblowers and to protect the Whistleblowers.
Anonymity & Confidentiality
EcoWorld recognises that anonymity to Whistleblowers who willingly come forward to report a suspicion of Misconduct is key to encouraging such reporting. However, to prevent false and malicious reporting, poison letters and abuse of the reporting channel, all Whistleblowers must provide sufficient evidence (such as documents, images, footages, audio, email, text messages etc.) in their report to facilitate further investigation, failing which credible reasoning / argument must be presented to show that Misconduct has taken place.
EcoWorld will treat all reports and information provided confidential, save for disclosure on a “need to know” basis to facilitate investigations and/or to mete out the appropriate actions following such investigations.
Assurance Against Reprisal or Retaliation
No adverse action will be taken against Whistleblowers for reporting a Misconduct, or participating or assisting in the investigation of a Misconduct as long as he/she does not provide false information “purposely, knowingly or recklessly” or with malicious intentions.
EcoWorld treats any act of reprisal or retaliation seriously. Any employee responsible for acts of reprisal or retaliation against Whistleblowers who report a Misconduct will result in appropriate disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment.
Reporting a Misconduct
The report of any Misconduct must be made in writing using the Whistleblower Reporting Form, GTM-PR-PL24-01.
All written reports should be sent directly via email: or by hand to EcoWorld’s registered office at Level 7, Menara Milenium, Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan. All reports will be channelled to the Whistleblowing Committee (WBC) comprising:
Ms. Sar Sau Yee (Chairperson)
Mrs. Lucy Chong
Dato’ Seri Rosman Bin Mohamed
Investigating Reports on Misconduct
The WBC will notify the Whistleblowers and acknowledge receipt of the lodged report.
The WBC will review each report and based on the information received and evidence available to it, conduct preliminary investigation to establish whether the claim has merit and can be substantiated.
The WBC will investigate each merited claim independently using appropriate channels, resources and expertise and based on the findings, determine the appropriate action to be taken.