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25th July 2018

Launch of #AnakAnakMalaysia 2018 #JOMKEHADAPAN

The #AnakAnakMalaysia 2018 campaign returns for the 4th year! Organised by Eco World Development Group Berhad (EcoWorld Malaysia) and Star Media Group Berhad (SMG), the campaign has successfully brought Malaysians from all walks of life together in celebration of Merdeka and Malaysia Day.

Starting in 2015 with a simple purpose of encouraging Malaysians to creatively express their patriotism by wearing a wristband, the #AnakAnakMalaysia campaign now reaches beyond Malaysian shores and celebrates the country’s cultural diversity with a dedicated #AnakAnakMalaysia Walk organised in Klang Valley, Johor and Penang. Malaysians overseas also had the opportunity to join the campaign in London, Melbourne and Sydney.

Last year, thousands converged in celebration of the nation’s independence, bringing Malaysians together to walk side-by-side for the promotion of unity and harmony.

“We expect it to be bigger and better this year with the theme of #JomKeHadapan, which explores the idea of moving forward as a nation as well as continuous progress to realise a greater Malaysia driven by empowerment, hope and creativity,” said Organising Chairman of #AnakAnakMalaysia 2018 Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye at the launch of the campaign in Eco Ardence, Shah Alam. Lee also thanked Star Media Group for the valued partnership in organising the campaign and ensuring its continued success.

The launch event of the campaign also saw the reveal of the #AnakAnakMalaysia t-shirt design competition winner. Maygala Devi A/P Selva Sunder walked away with a grand prize of RM10,000 and was presented with a framed t-shirt of her winning design. The entries were reviewed by a panel of judges, made up of renowned shoe designer Dato’ Jimmy Choo, Tun Eng Hwa, head of Editorial Art and Design at The Star; Chan Fong, 988 DJ; and Steven Tang, general manager of Group Branding, EcoWorld Malaysia.

“This year, we started our #AnakAnakMalaysia campaign with a twist. For the first time we had a t-shirt design competition to highlight the rakyat’s creativity with a patriotic touch, and to feature artistic and talented Malaysians,” said Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai, group managing director and chief executive officer of SMG.

Tan Sri Lee and Datuk Seri Wong presented Maygala with her winning mock cheque whilst the first and second runners up, Tai Lee Shan and Muhammad Asyraf bin Jamaluddin also received mock cheques of their cash prizes of RM6,000 and RM4,000 respectively.

Local celebrities and well-known Malaysian personalities like national athletes, entertainers, DJs and even social influencers showed their support at the launch event for the #AnakAnakMalaysia 2018 campaign. The #AnakAnakMalaysia Walk in the Klang Valley will take place on 2 September 2018 at Eco Ardence where a 4km route has been planned. Participants can look forward to a host of fun mini activities along the route and also collect limited edition pins depicting the uniqueness of Malaysia. These pins allow one to customise their #AnakAnakMalaysia 2018 wristbands.

To get hold of a wristband and be part of the campaign, drop by any EcoWorld show gallery nationwide from mid-August 2018 to 16 September 2018 or pick up a copy of The Star newspaper on selected days. Log on to for a listing of wristband collection points.

Join the #AnakAnakMalaysia Walk to get hold of the special t-shirt. For more details of the route, visit or contact 03-7967 1388, ext 1432/1529/1243 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) for more information.

The #AnakAnakMalaysia campaign is supported by Panasonic as the silver sponsor and DRB-Hicom as the official car sponsor.

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